Wednesday, October 14, 2009

how can you get mad? Seriously!

So what do you do when its totally quiet at someone else's house and you know that 9 kids must be playing somewhere? YES! If you are the mother of a boy, you should immediately question the silence and search far and wide for the children.

AACCCKKK!! I'm amazed continually at the amazing ability of kids everywhere to get into bottles, make a mess, and be completely quiet while doing it. They are never quiet when they are supposed to, say like in church where they insist on telling you they picked a booger from their nose right during the Sacrament prayer? So here is how Griffith spent his quiet time. Grabbing a bottle of bright purple permanent paint and spreading it all over his clothes, his cousins and of course... An extremely white rug in the middle of their house. From which the paint was never fully removed. Yikes, add on the family memorial statue of a lab that Griffith broke at the Keetches house (right after they shared the best story of why they loved this dog) and I'm beginning to think he should never leave the house. But on another bright note...
Check out the high waters that dear Baker is wearing. Yes you guessed it. He grew maybe 1/2 an inch this year but it was enough to push him out of 2 T pants and into size 3 clothes. Sure, he's turning 4 in December but every little 1/2 inch counts right???


ChiroMcDougals said...

Ha, I love your story about the silence. I sure love the silence too but I know I'm in for a mess to clean too. I found Nadia the other day (now 2 1/2 yrs) very quietly stuffing in as many pieces of candy in her mouth from the 5 bags of candy we used for a conference games. Luckily I caught her before the candy was completely gone!

Melissa Rozeski said...

Baker looks so old!!!! I hate that we're missing watching your kids grow up. Andy, you are in trouble for not calling when you were in Denver!!! We totally would have come to visit. Next let us know, my mom works for the restaurants there and can get you a deal on lunch. As for the destruction left in the wake of Griffith.... what can you do???? They don't even know they are in trouble, they just smile while you clean and apologize, clean and apologize. He can come break stuff here anytime!

Jean McKendrick said...

Funny! I wouldn't have thought it was so funny though had it been my white rug! You are so right though, kids totally loud in sacrament meeting, Kaden's latest (on Sunday) "my penis is sore mom" just as loud as loud can be. Another time he said, "boys have penis', girls have bums right mom?". Those who sit around us will never lack for entertainment in sacrament meeting.

The Lightle Family said...

Hey gal! I just realized I'm not on your blog list :( how sad. Well I'm pregnant after 5 years and if you want to know more you better put me on your blog list :) lol Congrats to Baker for getting to a size 3!!!