I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to publicly thank my strikingly handsome husband for the kind and thoughtful words that he posted last week. He is such a warm and loving soul. I can't imagine life with out him. Not only is he an excellent husband but he is a fantastic father. Case in point. Katie's school was celebrating the inauguration by having a red, white and blue day at school. As a family we decided we would adopt this celebration and decided we would have a red, white, and blue meal at home. As many of you know, I don't particularly like mornings. While I can function if I need to, I'd prefer to have a little time to myself where I can lay undisturbed in my warm little cocoon.
Now I would venture to guess that most of us like this, however, it is only made possible if you have somebody in your life that provides you that gift. For me, that person is Andy. Not only does he help around the house (at least occasionally), but he loves making breakfast. It seems all of the Brimhall men are especially adept at making this particular meal. I believe it stems from the fact that their Dad used to make breakfast for them, especially on special occasions. For all intents and purposes it was their way to bond. Andy has definitely internalized this mantra and made it his own. He had both Baker and Katie cooking pancakes, eggs, and several other breakfast creations by the time they were two. He'd let them crack the eggs, stir the batter, and even at times flip the pancakes. Mornings have quickly become his time to connect with the kids; their special daddy time. So I shouldn't have been surprised when I emerged from my room the morning of the inauguration and found my little family celebrating. Unbeknownst to me, Andy had gotten down the red and blue food coloring and made made three different bowls of pancake batter (red, normal, and blue). Then, using the three different colors, he artistically captured the importance of the day.
Katie and Baker were thrilled. They are constantly amazed by their father's abilities (except for the times when he accidentally loses half of the hash browns on the floor because he tried to flip them like the chefs on TV).
I too share in their amazement. He is a wonderful father and I am lucky to have such a cherished friend. I love you Andy and appreciate all that you do. In the words of my favorite artist (Rod Stewart): Have I told you lately, that I love you?
Heather, you are too kind, both with your praise and your love. I'm the one that is incredibly lucky. Thank you for all that you do.
I can't help but smile everytime I read yall's blog. You two are both so amazing! I hope that we can be the parents to our kids that you are to yours. Love you guys! Miss ya!
Your whole family is amazing! I am glad you are all doing so well. I miss you guys.
Your comment is a great finishing touch Andy! :) I especially like the part about the cocoon. :) Can I order some cocoon mornings for myself? With a side of patriotic pancakes and a loving blog? Really, you are too much. I love it. We all love you. You really are an awesome dad, a super husband to provide those toasty mornings in bed and a great writer to boot. You got it all! :)
I love it. Andy is such a great guy...I'm looking forward to reading his tribute. Good choice of picture!! Andy looks very handsome/manly with the scruffy face sitting by the fireplace!
I found you through Jana's blog. It was great to see you all. Hope life is great.
Heidi, Jared, Kylie, Nathan and Joseph Dinehart
WOW! Andy, I don't think you could have written it any better :) Can't wait to hear Heather's take on you...
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