These next few posts may be out of order. On December 22nd, Baker officially turned 4. And he swung into this birthday on Spiderman's back. Gone are the days of cars, trains and enter the next reality of webslinging, and fighting the bad guys (as he calls it).
The Green Goblin (who is Spiderman's #1 bad guy) was in for a shock as all the little kids threw their sticky spidermans at him and attempted to knock him out of the sky. The funny thing here is that Baker has never seen a Spiderman cartoon in his life (that I'm aware of) and doesn't even really know who the green goblin is. But he loved getting the bad guy, as did all the other kids.
We had two girls at this party (Katie and Taylor, who represented spidergirl well.) Baker tried to tell Katie she couldn't come since she was too old, but I happily explained that family comes anyway! The webslingers had to work their way through an obstacle course to prove they were real spideys in training. and Once they got their mask, we moved onto presents and cake.
And since I figured this year Spiderman as an action figure would be so much easier than trying to decorate his face in cake, we had this!
So Happy Birthday my dear 4 year old Boy. You have taught me much about wrestling, time management, laughing, how to karate chop, how to annoy your sister, how only two little boys can giggle, where toots come from, how to survive on Peanut butter and jelly and macaroni and cheese for every meal, and most of all, that small packages really do hold great things. I love you!