So I'm driving in the van with Katie, Baker, and her two neighbor friends Tyler (the one with the monkey face; not that he looks like a monkey but the one literally pulling the monkey face) and Josh (the one in the stripes). As I'm driving them home I have one of those moments where I think, Man I'd pay money to have a tape recorder right now. So I decided I'd hurry and sit down and try to recapture some of the magic. We'll see how I do. Many of you may not realize this but in St. Louis they require you to tell a joke in order to "earn" your trick-or-treat candy. As a result the kids were all well versed on their latest jokes. As I got in the van I received a chorus of "do you want to hear a joke?" My thought, "who wouldn't want to hear a joke created by a five year old?" (although secretly in my head I set a timer to see if we would make it all the way home hearing progressively more creative jokes; my hypothesis was yes; my hypothesis was confirmed).
First Joke:
Katie (K): Why did the kitchen cross the road?
Answer (A): to get some food to cook and eat
then a variety of jokes that followed, each child taking their turn. Katie's second joke:
K: Why did the squirrel cross the road?
A: because it was attached to the kitchen. Rounds of laughter, where does she come up with these things.
Later, Tyler, asked: Why did the Thanksgiving dog cross the road?
Josh: to meet his girlfriend.
Katie: that's silly Josh, dogs don't have girlfriends.
Josh: Yes, they do. My uncle Rick has a dog, and his wife's name is Lasso (?) and she has like 10 kids.
Katie: Oh yeah, well why did they Thanksgiving dog cross the road?
Tyler: because he wanted to eat some turkey.
Katie: wrong
Tyler: because he wanted to be with his family and friends while they ate turkey.
Katie: Wrong again.
Tyler: b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb (that isn't actually what Tyler said Baker simply decided he needed to share computer time with his daddy). Back to the conversation.
Tyler: because he wanted to kill the turkey so he could eat it.
Katie: How did you get it?
Tyler: Hah! I got it right. In your face!
Katie: Allright, here's another one. This time I'll make it easier so you can get it right on the first time. Why did the house cross the street?
Tyler: to eat turkey with his friends (noticing a theme?).
Katie: NO! because he had feet.
Tyler: You mean he didn't like his neighbors so he decided to walk to the other side of the road to find new neighbors that he liked better?
Katie: Yeah you got it.
Tyler: Hah! I got it right. In your face!
Oh the wonder of kids. They literally could keep you entertained for hours. By the way, for those parents that have had similar experiences and as a result found themselves placing a mental wager on how long the conversation would last? We drove from our stake center to my house. Approximate traveling time: 19 minutes. So the essence of the story? Come to St. Louis, where for the small price of a candy bar you will meet our future comedians. We love you all and hope to see you soon.